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Perfect 8 Asanas Of Yoga For Belly Fat Lose: Backed By Effectiveness

Every one of us likes to have balanced body weight. But the fickle mind drags us towards inconvenient health. However, at the current time, many ways are available to keep up with your fitness journey. Among them, yoga is one of the most effective ways to adopt, And you should try it for your belly fat loss.

In this busy and running society, we get many things related to our happiness. But, we don't want to look towards our health needs. 

You may get help from yoga for its physical, mental, and spiritual benefits. And for this uniqueness, yoga has made its place among the popular healthy life-giving ways. So it is a good option to choose for a healthy lifestyle.

Is Yoga A Good Option For Lose Of Belly Fat?

Well, whatever physical activity you do, it helps you burn a certain amount of calories. But if you want to sculpt your tummy and look for easy, effective, and cost-free ways, simple activities are not enough to bring change.

Let's imagine which examples are coming from your mind. While you thinking about getting your wished shape of the belly? For example, at-home exercises(With equipment or without equipment), home remedies, different types of fasting, gym classes, hiring a fitness trainer, taking fat-burning pills or dietary supplements, etc.

These are some of the regular options that inspire you to take quick action on unnecessary calories. But there is a barrier to filtration (easiness, effectiveness, and cost-free works as the filters), generally where most of us get stuck.

But don't worry; science has accepted yoga's several health benefits and disease-healing abilities. And yogic exercises also fulfill the mentioned three points; it is suitable for all ages, work effectively, and don't need to pay for them.

So, you must try some best yoga asanas to lose belly fat.

Can You Get A Flat Belly In 7 days or 10 days just Doing Yoga?

It can not be said that you will get a slim tummy in just some days because It mainly depends on your current body weight, habits, and the consistency of doing yoga. 

If your body weight is a little heavier than your typical weight, you may see a quicker result. But if your body is overweight or needs to burn a higher amount of calories, It will definitely take a little more time to give you an eye-catching result.

The second thing is calorie-increasing habits which can also affect your belly-toning speed. 

If you exercise regularly but never detach yourself from habits like eating high-calorie foods, overeating, eating while you are not hungry, sleeping too much, not getting enough sleep, etc. Then it will never take you to the wished goal. So you need to pay more attention to these things.

With detaching from these habits, you must regularly do the suggested yoga asanas for fast belly fat loss, and you may also include some other at-home exercises

Which yoga poses are the best to lose my belly fat?

There are several fat-losing yoga poses to try, and here, you will get the most effective yoga asanas to lose belly fat. And these postures also provide many other health benefits.

  • Bhujangasana(cobra stretch)
  • Navasana(boat pose)
  • Vimanasana(aeroplane pose)
  • Padahastasana(standing forward bend)
  • Ustrasana(camel pose)
  • Ardha Chandrasana(half moon pose)
  • Urdhva Mukha Svanasana(upward-facing dog pose)
  • Setu Bandhasana(bridge pose)
let's see the yoga poses in more detail with accurate images 

1. BHUJANGASANA(Cobra Stretch)

A man doing Bhujangasana(Cobra pose) in the room
Image by Magic poser and Canva

Bhujangasana is a reclining back-bending pose, where 'Bhujanga' means 'cobra'(a snake), and the word 'Asana' means 'Posture' When doing this asana, your whole body part engaged, mainly your abdomen, chest, and neck get stretched. The waistline, back muscles, shoulder, and spinal cord get compressed. 

Benefits of doing regular cobra stretch

  • Reduces extra fat from the belly, chest, waistline, and back
  • Stimulates internal organs
  • Level ups your body flexibility
  • Boosts your digestion process
Steps to perform

 1. First, take a prone position

2. Take your hands and place both palms under the chest

3. Keep your whole body straight and set your toes tightly on the ground

4. Take the upper body up by pushing the ground with a gentle inhale 

5. Keep your thighs in contact with the ground

6. Now come back to the third position with a soft breath out

7. For higher calorie burn, you can speed up the entire process

Who should avoid this?

Pregnant women in the second and third stages. People with intense spinal injuries and any internal problems related to internal organs.

2. NAVASANA(Boat Pose)

A man performing Navasana(boat pose) in the room
Image by Magic poser and canva 

'Nava' means a boat. In Navasana whole body stays on your butt, like a boat, touching the ground with minimal space. You can feel all the forces are centered on your abdomen area. So it is a good yoga pose to burn fat and grow muscles, especially in the abdomen, upper belly, and waistline areas.

Health Benefits Of Boat Pose

  • Amplifies your digestion process
  • Relieves your stress level
  • Improves spinal strength
  • Increases your concentration power
  • Level ups your body balancing capability
Steps to do
1. First, Take a supine pose 

2. Raise both hands towards the leg toes

3. Now take up your upper body and legs at a time with inhale

4. Stay in that position for five to seven secs

5. Then gently come back to the first position with exhale

Who Should avoid this?
Second and third stages of pregnant women. People with severe back problems, heart issues, insomnia, blood pressure problems, and diarrhea.

3. VIMANASANA(Aeroplane pose)

A man doing Vimanasana(Aeroplane pose) in the room.
Image by Magic poser and Canva

Vimanasana is in the prone pose category. The Sanskrit word 'Vimana' means an airplane. In this yoga pose, your body looks like the Navasana posture in the facedown position.

Because it's an anaerobic class exercise, it burns a high amount of calories, So it can be an excellent yoga posture for weight loss.

Health advantages of Vimanasana

  • Detoxifies the entire body
  • Maintains your blood pressure level
  • Strengthens internal organs of the body
  • Frees hip and shoulder joints
Steps to do Vimanasana

1. First, take a prone position

2. Keep the body straight and

3. Place your hands on the ground at a 90 degree

4. Take a deep inhale 

5. Push the ground with your hands and legs

6. Quickly take up your chest and legs, then straightly move your hands to the backside

7. Stay three to four seconds in that position

8. With a gentle breath out, come back to the first position

Who should avoid this pose?

People with lower-back problems, heart disease, blood pressure problems, and spinal disorders should avoid this. Pregnant women at the second or third stage.

4. PADAHASTASANA(Standing Forward Bend)

A man doing Pada Hastasana(bending forward leg pose) in a room
Image by Magic poser and Canva

This posture is straightforward to do, especially for beginners. By breaking the Sanskrit word 'padahastasana,' we get pada(legs)+hasta(hands)+asana(pose). In this yoga posture, your upper body will be totally in movement. Both the Abdominal and spinal sides will get stretched and pressed, So it will help you to burn fat and gain muscles on both sides.

Benefits of doing Padahastasana

  • Enhances digestion process
  • Boosts your metabolism
  • Strengthens wrist and hip joints
  • Improves complete body flexibility
Steps to do standing forward bend 

1. Take a standing pose and close both feet

2. Keep your spine straight and inhale

3. Bow down and touch your feet with your hands respectively(exhale)

4. Now up yourself with raised hands 

5. Stretch yourself a little backward with your hands raised up

Who should avoid it?

People with spinal disc disorders and high blood pressure.

5. USTRASANA(Camel Pose)

A man performing Ustrasana(camel pose) in the room
Image by Magic poser and Canva

The camel pose looks like 'Dhanurasana' and is a little tricky to perform, But while you try it, it will be very easy for you. In this pose, about 90% of the joints are in motion. Your mid-body gets stretched, so it is helpful to tone the abdominal muscles and burn fat. 

Benefits of doing Ustrasana

  • Increases flexibility leve
  • Deep hip flexors get stretched
  • Strengthens back, and shoulder
  • Tones your torso, glutes, and hamstrings
  • Reduces fat from thighs, belly, chest, waistline, and upper back
  • Enhances all leg and hand joints like ankles, toes, knees, elbows, and palms 
  • Tones abdomen and buttock
Steps to do the camel pose 

1. First, stand on your knees. Keep the body straight from knees to neck

2. Rais your hands up and lean towards the backward direction

3. Bend the hands towards the feet and push the hips forward

4. Now tilt your spine and head backward direction, till you touch your foot by the paws

5. After touching the feet, relax in that position

Who should not do this?

People are affected by acute back pain, suffering herniated discs, and advanced spondylitis.


A man doing Ardha chandrasana in a room
Image by Magic poser and Canva
Here the word 'Ardha' means half, and Chandra means the moon. Doing this asana regularly can give you several health benefits. This is an easy yogic posture as compared to other mentioned yoga asanas. 

Health benefits of this pose

  • Strengthens the whole leg bone and muscles
  • Sculpts your buttocks, belly, and back
  • Improves body balance and maintains posture 
  • Alleviates back pain
  • Lowers anxiety levels and refreshes the mood
  • Boosts blood circulation 
Step to do it

1. First, take the parvatasana pose 

2. Sift your left leg to the left hand (the knee should touch the chest)

3. Raise both hands ahead, turn towards the shoulder direction, and upward

4. Together palms, then bend your body, hand, and head towards the backward direction 

5. By stretching the body, create an arc-like shape

Who should not do it?

People with severe chronic issues should avoid this exercise.

7. URDVA MUKHA SVANASANA(Upward-Facing Dog pose)

A man performing Urdva Mukha Svanasana(upward facing dog pose)
Image by Magic poser and Canva
'Urdhva' means towards-up, 'Mukha' means face, and 'Svana' means dog. This posture is nearly similar to Bhujangasana, with a minor difference. Here your knees have no contact with the ground, and your hands are getting straightened.

Benefits of this asana
  • Sculpts the entire leg and tones arm muscles 
  • Enhances metabolism 
  • Regulates blood circulation
  • Aids in fast digestion
  • Burns fat from the stomach, upper belly, and lower back
Steps for this yogasana
1. Take a prone position

2. keep the entire body straight

3. With a deep inhale, take yourself up

4. Now, by straightening the hands, stretch the spine and head toward the backward direction

Who is not fit for it?
Pregnant women in the second and third stages. People with intense spinal injuries and any internal problems related to internal organs.


A man doing bridge pose in the room
Image by Magic poser and Canva
Bridge pose is also the best yoga asana for belly fat loss. This is a simple and effective yoga for all, especially for beginners.

Advantages of doing bridge pose
  • It improves your flexibility level
  • Strengthens the muscle mass in lower-body
  • Smooths the joints like the elbow, shoulder, hips, and knees
  • Frees your spine and neck 
  • lowers your stress level and energizes your mood
Easy steps to perform it

1. First, sleep in a supine position and keep the spine straight

2. Take both your legs towards the butt and place them there

3. Drag both hands and touch the left-foot and right-foot heels 

4. Keep your arms straight and push your hip upward direction 

5. Up your mid-body as possible as you can

6. Stay in this posture for 4-5 seconds or more

Who should not do it?
The person has lower back problems, high blood pressure, neck issues, etc. Second and third-stage pregnant women should not do this exercise.

                    Maintaining consistency in practicing yoga asanas will help you burn a satisfactory amount of calories. But you must avoid those habits, which can increase more fat in your body. And for less distraction, wake up early, drink water, and start doing yoga.
