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All Basic Yogasan Names With Images And Their Meanings

Hello, Welcome to “Weightlyfit.” Yoga is an increasingly preferred exercise in the 21st century, and people are interested to learn about yoga postures, yogasan names, and their health benefits. 

If you are one of them and want to know the asanas or yoga postures, don't worry here I have mentioned all the primary and most followed yoga asanas with images and Sanskrit names.

A Short Introduction To Yoga

Yoga is a Sanskrit word, and Sanskrit is an ancient language of India. According to the studies, Sanskrit is a highly developed and oldest language in the world, compared to the Greek and Latin languages. 

The word yoga means to connect yourself to the supreme truth said in Sanskrit scriptures. So, every one of us can take the material benefits of yoga postures and teach others but never achieve an actual yogic position(Master of yoga) due to its more challenging sacrifices.

Many types of yogic asanas, like karma yoga, gyana yoga, bhakti yoga, raja yoga, ashtanga yoga, and Hatha Yoga, are mentioned in the scriptures. The primary target of yoga is to control your mind and your five senses by following these ways. 

And the yoga that the world is following today is hatha yoga. So, all the yoga asanas or yogasan images with names you want to know come from Hatha Yoga. 

However, modern science accepted the health benefits and disease-healing capacity of yogasanas by conducting hundreds of studies. So, including yoga as a fitness exercise to lead a healthy lifestyle is not bad.

Classification and separation of yogasana names

In Sanskrit
Hatha yoga is the purification process of the whole body by stabilizing your breaths.
Hakara means the Surya Nadi(Sun pulse) represents right nostril breath, and Thakara means the Chandra Nadi(moon pulse), which represents left nostril breath.
Hakara=sun pulse=Right nostril breath 
Thakara=Moon pulse=Left nostril breath  
So, the whole body purification happens while you stabilize the two breaths of your body by doing specific asanas or poses.
There are 84 yoga asanas described in hatha yoga. Visually they are divided into four categories.
  • Seated Postures
  • Supine postures
  • Prone Postures
  • Standing Postures
Here all the primary yoga posture names are listed below.

Seated poses

Seated yoga postures are done on the ground in a sitting position.

1. Sukhasana(Easy pose)

Sukhasana(Easy pose)
Magic poser 

2. Padmasana(Lotus pose)

Padmasana(Lotus pose)
Magic poser 

3. Sidhasana(Accomplished pose)

Sidhasana(Accomplished pose)
Magic poser 

4. Muktasana(Liberation pose)

Muktasana(Liberation pose)
Magic poser 

5. Agnistambhasana(FireLog pose)

Agnistambhasana(FireLog pose)
Magic poser 

6. Vajrasana(Thunderbolt pose)

Vajrasana(Thunderbolt pose)
Magic poser 

7. Gaumukhasana(Cow Face pose)

Gaumukhasana(Cow Face pose)
Magic poser 

8. Dandasana(Staff pose)

Dandasana(Staff pose)
Magic poser 

9. Paschimottanasana(Seated Forward Bend)

Paschimottanasana(Seated Forward Bend)
Magic poser 

10. Meru vakrasana(Spinal Twist Posture)

Meru vakrasana(Spinal Twist Posture)

Supine poses

These yogasana poses are generally sleeping-like postures.

1. Shavasana(Sleeping pose)

Shavasana(Sleeping pose)
Magic poser 

2. Uttana Padasana(Raised Leg pose)

Uttana Padasana(Raised Leg pose)
Magic poser 

3. Navasana(Boat pose)

Navasana(Boat pose)
Magic poser 

4. Setu Bandhasana(Bridge pose)

Setu Bandhasana(Bridge pose)
Magic poser 

5. Supta Matsyendrasana(Reclined Twist pose)

Supta Matsyendrasana(Reclined Twist pose)
Magic poser 

6. Matsyasana(Fish pose)

Matsyasana(Fish pose)
Magic poser 

7. Markatasana(Monkey pose)

Markatasana(Monkey pose)
Magic poser 

8. Supta BaddhaKonasana (Reclining Angle Pose)

Supta BaddhaKonasana (Reclining Angle Pose)
Magic poser 

9. Supta Padangusthasana (Reclining Hand-To-Big-Toe pose)

Supta Padangusthasana (Reclining Hand-To-Big-Toe pose)
Magic poser 

10. Halasana(Plough pose)

Halasana(Plough pose)
Magic poser 

prone poses

1. Salabhasana(Locust pose)

Salabhasana(Locust pose)
Magic poser 

2. Dhanurasana(Bow pose)

Dhanurasana(Bow pose)
Magic poser 

3. Gupta Padmasana(Hidden Lotus pose)

Gupta Padmasana(Hidden Lotus pose)
Magic poser 

The combination of padmasana and Advasana (Reverse Corpse pose).

4. Purna Danda Namaskarasana

Purna Danda Namaskarasana
Magic poser 

5. Makarasana(Crocodile pose)

Makarasana(Crocodile pose)
Magic poser 

6. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)

Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)
Magic poser 

7. Vimanasana(Aeroplane pose)

Vimanasana(Aeroplane pose)
Magic poser 

8. Ardha Salabhasana(Locust pose)

Ardha Salabhasana(Locust pose)
Magic poser 

9. Advasana(Reverse Corpse pose)

Advasana(Reverse Corpse pose)
Magic poser 

10. Urdhwa Mukha Swanasana(Upper Face Duck pose)

Urdhwa Mukha Swanasana(Upper Face Duck pose)
Magic poser

Standing poses

1. Tadasana(Palm Tree pose)

Tadasana(Palm Tree pose)
Magic poser 

2. Tiryaka Tadasana(Swaying Palm Tree pose)

Tiryaka Tadasana(Swaying Palm Tree pose)
Magic poser 

3. Kati Chakrasana(Waist Rotating pose)

Kati Chakrasana(Waist Rotating pose)
Magic poser

4. Vrkshasana(Tree pose)

Vrkshasana(Tree pose)
Magic poser 

5. Utkatasana(Chair Pose)

Utkatasana(Chair Pose)
Magic poser 

6. Trikonasana(Triangle pose)

Trikonasana(Triangle pose)

7. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana(Raised Hand-To-Big-Toe pose)

Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana(Raised Hand-To-Big-Toe pose)
Magic poser 

8. Eka padasana(One Leg pose)

Eka padasana(One Leg pose)
Magic poser 

9. Ardha Chandrasana(Half Moon pose)

Ardha Chandrasana(Half Moon pose)
Magic poser 

10. Parvatasana(Mountain pose)

Magic poser 


Thank you for visiting weightlyfit. There are several yogic postures are mentioned in hatha yoga, but I have tried to add the basic yoga poses that may help beginners. If you are a beginner then all the best for your yogic journey.

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