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Best 9 Ways to Lose Belly Fat Fast and Naturally in Just 7 Days | (with exclusive tips and tricks)

The article has been written by our health experts after a lot of research and is presented with facts and studies. No Extreme Method, Simple Procedures Based On Evidence 

Well, there can be many answers to the question that how to lose belly fat fast in just seven days.  Like exercising and adopting a diet plan etc. Here you will see nine effective methods with the latest tips and tricks that have the potential to give you better results.

1. Energize yourself with high protein breakfast 

Best 9 Ways to Lose Belly Fat Fast and Naturally in Just 7 Days

Hey, How important, do you think breakfast is to you?

  Most people think that lunch and dinner have a big impact on our body, and then they take lightly the importance of breakfast.

The person who does not eat his breakfast well or does not take it at all, he will surely try to eat a mid-day meal well and in more quantity. If the same thing happens continuously, then it will undoubtedly lead to weight gain.

But my dear reader, we hope you are not one of those people who don't value their breakfast.

Here's an easy analysis of three points, how high protein breakfast is good and helps us to lose belly fat.

1. Breakfast, which is high in protein, deprives us of hunger and feels us fuller for a long time, and prevents overeating.
According to some studies, it has been observed that consuming breakfast rich in high protein has improved mental performance in teenagers, school children, and aged people.

2. We get a good amount of muscle mass from foods rich in protein, which gives strength to our body during any diet.  

It also prevents the reduction of metabolism in the body, which is more important for losing weight.

Protein may speed up your metabolism and a healthful metabolism burns a good amount of calories.

3. In science, proteins are called the building blocks of life. Protein builds all tissues such as muscles, internal organs, skin, hair, and hemoglobin in the blood. 

According to experts, a high-protein breakfast is very essential for us. It recharges our body after a long sleep. 

So adding more protein to your diet will keep you from craving and help you achieve long-term and sustainable weight loss.

Nine healthy protein-rich quick snacks for fat loss

  1. Overnight oats with blueberries and almonds
  2. Peanut butter toast
  3. Peanut butter- Banana cakes
  4. Quick congee
  5. Cookies and cream with overnight oats
  6. Mango protein smoothie
  7. Chocolate protein shake
  8. Oat yogurt cups
  9. Protein waffles (frozen)

2. Include Fat-loss friendly carbs  

     Hey! If we start discussing the beneficial properties of carbohydrates now, then we have to understand one thing very well, that it will be an endless discussion.

Carbohydrates are strictly recommended for a smart diet and healthy body. Carbohydrates meet 45-65% of our body's energy requirements according to the Australian Dietary Guidelines.

Having a bowl of pasta, apples, or a variety of high carbohydrate foods will keep you energized, and it will also help you lose weight consistently. 

Here are some fitness-friendly carbs with extra benefits.
  • Whole grain bread: The high amount of carbs and protein in it keeps you full for a long time. A recent study says that if we eat 2-3 slices of whole-grain bread daily, then it may reduce the risk of heart problems and type-2 diabetes.
  • Bananas: Bananas are rich in fiber, so they will help balance your appetite, give you mental energy and improve the glow of your skin, etc. You can have bananas by making a banana weight loss smoothie with low-fat milk and chia seeds topping.
  • QuinoaIt has a high amount of 39.02 grams of carbs, 8.05 grams of protein, and 4.1 grams of fiber, which makes it a super healthy diet-friendly food.  It is one of the best insoluble fibers so if you take it, it keeps you feeling fuller for longer and aids in natural weight loss.
  • Sweet potatoes: It is an excellent ground-gifted vegetable with its sweet taste and contains a good amount of dietary fiber.  Sweet potatoes form a gel-like trap in the stomach, which slows down your digestion and aids in burning fat faster.
  • Oatmeals: Oats are high in carbs and fiber and low in calories, which makes them an ideal fat loss-boosting food source.  Please choose plain oats, not packed and flavored oats.  Generally packaged and flavored oats contain a high amount of sugar which is not suitable for you.
  • Apples: Apples are one of the most loving fruit in the world.  According to the study, For its high water content, increases hydration in our body, and increased hydration significantly aids in fat loss. Apples are also a very good source of fiber, so "a high-fiber diet plan allows for healthy weight loss in many ways," says Lisa Andrews, the Dietitian.

3. Move yourself 

      Hey! Do you think any scientific studies are needed to prove how physical exercise is important for us to lead a healthy life?

The simple answer is 'no', if we want a healthy life then our body needs to be healthy and for a healthy body, we have to do some physical movements daily.

That's why you should activate yourself with physical activity at home or outside.

  • Running Or Jogging:  Running Or Jogging is the most popular exercise as compared to other exercises.  Studies have said that if we run or jog regularly for 6 minutes to 12 minutes a day, then it can bring many health benefits to us. Some other benefits like better cardio health, making your bones stronger, increasing your muscle strength, burning a lot of kilojoules, and maintaining a healthy weight.

  • Stretching: This is also a good way to cut down on extra calories. Usually, this exercise is used in schools to make children fit and healthy. In this method, you will stretch your muscles by moving your body parts. And the continuous process of stretching and relaxation of the external and internal organs like hands, legs, neck, and shoulders leads to sweating. So by doing this exercise repeatedly, we burn a good amount of fat. This type of exercise not only helps in reducing weight but also helps in increasing muscle mass.

 4. Strength Training  

   Strength training or weight training is a very common way of gaining a better amount of lean muscle mass. Strength training or weight training is majorly considered an anaerobic exercise. Its high metabolism-boosting capability makes it an excellent method for weight loss. 

Burn fat fast by doing strength training

A high-intensity strength training boosts the metabolism of your body even after you stop workouts it remains to burn your fat. And this magical process is called (EPOC)" EXCESS POST-EXERCISE OXYGEN CONSUMPTION.

If you continue on this it may not only helpful for fat burning but also helps in many other things. It keeps your mind fresh, causes better heart health, strengthens your bones, improves brain health, makes the body flexible, and gives an attractive shape to your body.
 Some ways of strength training with examples
  • Your weight: This is a 100% free method in which you can do many exercises by using your body weight. Like squats, pushups, planks, pull-ups, etc.
  • Weight-free exercises: Here you can perform your body movements freely without fighting the earth's gravity. You can see the uses of some lightweight equipment such as dumbbells, resistance bands, or loop bands.
  • Exercise with weight machines: There is no doubt that it is a great way invented for better health and weight loss. Around 70% of health-conscious people are using this method to stay fit. Here you may see both gravitational and non-gravitational movements of your body parts. There are many types of weight machines available you can use to your comfort level.

 5. Free time cycling  

      In childhood, each of us wanted to ride on a bicycle with friends and run. At that part of the time, you can't find the problems that we are facing now, but when we grow up, we forget the cycle and its values for our health. In reality, the bicycle is our true friend forever.

Ok, now we are living in a competitive society, so we do have not that much time to give our health.

At least if you attend a moderate 160 minutes of cycling, then you will achieve many health benefits.

Cycling mostly affects our legs and belly so if we maintain our regularity on this then it will make our leg bones stronger, increase the muscle mass of the legs and burn a high amount of fat on the belly.

Other health benefits from a regular cycling

  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases
  • Strengthen the whole upper and lower body
  • Boosts our mood
  • Causes a better sleep
  • Prevents us from many chronic diseases

 6. Do yoga   

     Hey! Do you know from which country the yoga came? 
Your options are.

a) China       b) Japan       c) India      d) Bhutan

Comment the answer below 

     The word yoga means to connect yourself to the truth and control your mind and five senses.

 Yoga not only gifts us whole physical benefits but even also helps in spiritual progress. The person who shines in human society, he has control over his mind and senses.

 Yoga said that the person who practices yoga regularly becomes fearless, wise, kind, patient, and physically strong.

There are so many types of yoga poses that are described for different needs. For losing weight and getting a healthy shape your body you just need to do some of the particular poses.

 A study by Harvard medical school has stated that 30 minutes of doing yoga burns 120 calories for a 125-pound person and similarly 144 calories for a 155-pound person.

Some health benefits of yoga
  • It deprives you of many diseases
  • Improves your stamina
  • Increases your bones' strength
  • Makes you stress-free 
  • It helps in blood circulation
  • It improves your cardiovascular health
  • Boosts your immune system
  • Keeps a better mental health
  • It loses unwanted fats in the body
  • Improves your muscle growth
  • It gives you a healthy and peaceful life
What things do you need to practice yoga?

 According to yoga, you will practice it on the surface of the earth and in a calm circumstance, except for these two things, there is no need for any physical things to practice yoga poses.

 But if you feel comfortable using a yoga mat and other components then there is no issue with it.

Number of weight-loss-friendly yoga poses

  1. Virabhadrasana- The warrior pose
  2. Chaturanga Dandasana- The Plank pose
  3. Trikonasana- The triangle pose
  4. Sarvangasana- The shoulder stand pose
  5. Parivratta Utkatasana- The twisted chair pose
  6. Bhujangasana- The cobra pose

7. Keep a healthful fasting  

      There is no question fasting that is helpful for weight loss. It is 100% working and one of the most effective ways to lose extra weight with many other physical benefits.

 A study on religion found that every religion has its own way of fasting for different reasons, but it is a very useful gift for all of us. 

(i.e: “In Christianity, there are many types of fasting are available such as partial fasting, Daniel fasting, and complete fasting, etc. In Islam, it has a fasting system called Ramadan, the holy month for God and in Hinduism, the fasting method is called upavasa”)

So, fasting has its own many ancient histories. But our point is to use fasting for better health.

What is fasting?

 In simple words fasting means to decrease or avoid the intake of foods with some specific technics. Remember one thing night meal shouldn't be avoided fast because it may be harmful to your health.

 Many people are searching, for what to eat or not during fasting. But the actual search for fasting should be like when to eat in fast.

How to do fasting?

Well, as already mentioned, there are many popular fasting methods among people to follow for better fasting but as our title says lose weight in just seven days, so we will look at the strategy which works for several days.

So, here we adopt two effective methods
  • 5:2 formula: In this process, you should follow the points for those 5 days which you have read in this article and the other 2 days for pure fasting. According to the 5:2 diet plan, during the two days of fasting, a woman will consume 500 calories per day and for a man, this amount will be 600 calories per day. You can keep your fast on Monday and Thursday as most people use these two days for fasting. 
  • 4:3 diet plan: This 4:3 dieting method is introduced by Krista Varady, Ph.D., in nutrition science.  This diet is also intermittent fasting like the 5:2 diet plan.  The average difference between 5:2 and 4:3 is only one day.  In this diet plan, you will eat normally for four days and on the other three days of the week, you will balance your food intake from 500 calories to 600 calories. Hey, one thing you must get in your mind that avoid the whole idea of taking junk foods. If you take junk foods, then it will not make any sense for dieting and Weight loss, rather it will increase your fat.
1) Fasting is strictly prohibited for women who are pregnant or lactating. 

2) People who have diabetes or other problems that can be affected by fasting are also not suitable for fasting.

3) When you want to go on a diet, please consult a doctor or dietician as you have no idea about the current conditions of your body and its needs. Please pay attention to this because weightlift cares for you and your health.

8. Have fat-burn-friendly coffees  

Science has already proved how beneficial a cup of coffee is for us. By the way, it is the second most popular beverage in the world. 

It is beloved by most people for its good ability to boost energy levels and focus one's attention. All you need is a cup of coffee to kick start the day with a refreshing mood.

 But the good news is several studies have confirmed that consuming certain coffees can help a person burn extra fat.

If we look for some weight loss supporting coffee types then black coffee and slim green coffee win the race.
Approximately 70% of people love to take these two coffee brands.

What is the contribution of coffee to health?

Coffee has many health-beneficial properties like

1. It is loaded with antioxidants which may help in insulin sensitivity and inflammation.

2. In some recent studies have found that if a person consumes a cup of coffee each day it will help lower the risk of type-2 diabetes.

3. This may help reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. In fact, two-thirds of American women are affected by the disease. One study shows that a person who drinks two to three cups of coffee daily has a lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

4. It enhances your stamina and enhances the athletic performance of your body.

5. According to recent studies, caffeine ensures a lower risk of death from several diseases such as cancer, stroke, depression, etc.

Having a cup of coffee burns fat fast in just seven days

Can we take the coffee as a fat burner?
  Coffee contains a stimulant called caffeine that mobilizes fat from your fatty tissues and boosts metabolic rate.

Coffee suppresses your appetite, which limits your food consumption rate and directly helps you to lose weight.

So this is clear that coffee is capable of weight management in the long term.

But cutting down more fat fast in the desired amount of time, with a cup of coffee, is not enough, say experts at Health Line Media. If you wish to boost up your weight loss journey, then you may look for a genuine and doctor's qualified supplement that thousands of people take with their morning coffee.

9. Make yourself stress-free   

Keeping your mind stress-free can help you lose weight. Just imagine how a person gains weight.

 There are many ways in our life in which we gain weight. But if you look carefully at your daily life, you can see that a root cause is working behind all the problems.

Let's a little analysis on this

The root cause is our minds. A study found that a person is usually affected by stress or mental depression when he wanders his mind in all the tension of his life.

 At that time, his mind traps him in many unhealthy activities like living alone, using the phone more, eating without thinking, sleeping less and overthinking, etc.

 Hence, these things, directly and indirectly, cause weight gain, irregularities in blood pressure, bad headaches, etc.

So, living a stress-free life is very essential for all of us.

Some excellent ideas to stay away from stress 
  1. Meditation: Meditating regularly will help us to control our minds.  By controlling the mind, we can stop its unnecessary suggestions and take the right decision at the right time.
  2. Spend some time in nature: spending time in nature twice Or thrice a week may help you stay stress-free.
  3. Limit your phone use:  If you are using your phone to a limit, then you are really a good user.  But using it for 4-5 hours daily can be harmful to both your mental and physical health.  So limiting our smartphone usage will improve our mood.
  4. Try to spend time with your family: Spending time with family will improve your mood.  Try to go to the nearby park or any place where you can spend maximum time with your family members.
  5. Read good books:  Some studies have found that people who read books in extra time are more relaxed than others.  So reading some good books like Motivational will help you to reduce stress.
Final Words
          In the end, we just want to say one thing your constant effort and patience can bring good changes in your life. You either follow this article or someone else's article has no problem with it. If you really want to lose weight and look fit, then you have to follow the suggested methods sincerely. So, my friend, we have tried to give you healthy and working answers to your questions. If you got to learn something from this article, then please share it with your friends and family members, and don't forget to comment below.

have a nice day!
